Computer and Software Support

Close Non Responding Program

When you go to shut down the system, you may get a message stating that a program is not responding and wants to know if you want to end now on the process. This doesn't necessarily indicate an issue with your windows. There is times a program will not close properly. This is normal and can be expected. If you don't like getting the message and want to fix it so the message will not appear, use the following procedure. However, I don't recommend it because if you forget to save your work before you exit, this might remind you before it reboots.

For All Users

For more information on the particular step, click on the hyperlink.

  1. Back up your registry
  2. Access REGEDIT (The page will open in a separate window)
  3. Double-click HKEY_USERS
  4. Double-click on DEFAULT
  5. Double-click on Control Panel
  6. Double-click on Desktop
  7. On the right side you will see AutoEndTasks (it will say AutoEndTasks for the name and REG_SZ for the type. The data will show the setting that is set.)
  8. Double-click on AutoEndTask
  9. If you want the program to end without warning set Value Data to 1
  10. If you want the program to warn you if it doesn't close automatically on its own, set Value Data to 0.


For An Individual User

For more information on the particular step, click on the hyperlink.

  1. Back up your registry
  2. Access REGEDIT (The page will open in a separate window)
  3. Double-click HKEY_CURRENT_USER
  4. Double-click on DEFAULT
  5. Double-click on Control Panel
  6. Double-click on Desktop
  7. On the right side you will see AutoEndTasks (it will say AutoEndTasks for the name and REG_SZ for the type. The data will show the setting that is set.)
  8. Double-click on AutoEndTask
  9. If you want the program to end without warning set Value Data to 1
  10. If you want the program to warn you if it doesn't close automatically on its own, set Value Data to 0.