Computer and Software Support

How to turn off windows splash screen

As you boot up your system, the Windows splash screen appears before you get to the desktop. Turning off the splash screen will speed up your boot time by a few seconds. However you also won't be able to view any error messages that may appear if your system has issues.

To turn off the Splash screen do the following.

Windows XP

  1. Access Run or Search window
  2. Type MSCONFIG
  3. Press Enter
  4. Click BOOT.INI tab
  5. Place a check mark in /NOGUIBOOT check box
  6. Click Apply
  7. Click OK

Windows Vista

  1. Press the Windows Logo key and the R key simultaneously to access the run command
  2. Type msconfig -2
  3. Click OK
  4. Place a check mark in the No GUIBoot checkbox
  5. Click Apply
  6. Click OK