Computer and Software Support

Rogue Facebook Apps 

 Rogue Facebook Apps run through Facebook often. The App will try to get the user to accept the APP. By accepting the app, the user gives the app permission to post in your behalf. The dangers of an app posting in your behalf is your friends won't know it is an app posting and think it is you posting unless the person pays attention to the post.

You can know if the post is from the user or the post is from an app. If the post is from an app, on the bottom of the post, you will see the following words

Via nameofapp (nameofapp is the name of the app posting in your behalf)

If you see that, the post is from an app and not by the person. It doesn't mean the app is bad, it just means that the user didn't post it so use your judgment on deciding to click on the link or not.

If you installed an app that is a rogue App, you will need to remove the app. Click here for instructions on how to do that.

If you did install a rogue, Facebook app, be sure to change your password, and run your anti-virus software and run an Anti-spyware program. For information on this, click here.

If it is a good app but you want to change it's settings, click here.

Be careful of bogus websites. Click here for information

Be sure to look for bogus Browser Extensions. Click Browser Extensions for more information

A site called That's non Sense has more information on this issue. Check out their site for more informaton. has information about work from home scams, Facebook safety, Protect your computer and other information. To go to their site, click here.

Here is a page with Tips for using the computer

Here is tips to avoid virus and spyware.

Here is a Virus and Spyware Troubleshooter

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